Sunday, December 23, 2007

My new blog !

Exciting isn't it? .....yes of course it is!
But, seriously putting all jokes aside this is what i flat-out plan to do here.

First thing, I have to let you know a bit about me, myself, And who i am, what i like, and what i like to do.

-I am Joseph Micheal Kennedy, some Italian-Irish guy whom doesn't do much other then be himself and defend himself, not at all talentless.
-I have been know to draw a-lil' bit here-&-there, and threw-out my life.
-I like to do so prepare yourselves if what I've done turns out quite alright and for yourself not to be too shocked, because you can expect to see much more of JK's-Arts here in the presence displays' of the past and to the future to come.
-I also attempt to dabble a bit in literature, Poems and other things that I have written over the years, months, weeks, days, and probably in the last few sentences that i might have over detailed to be ever-so subtly funny. "!"
-I'm going to be a father in July (3rd-7Th "maybe even 4rth of July") as expected.
That is pretty cool and important to me, and if i ever get really deep into this blogging thing "Which i do not expect to", but if i do there will be definitely be tons of stuff about my kid.

One more thing: I like a lot of things; like science/science's mysteries/science fiction and conspiracies and things like those.
On an occasion I'll go searching for those interesting things, and if i do ever find something very interesting, it may end up posted somewhere in this blogs' pages too.

That's it for now and hope you enjoy me and my blog too.